Valéry, 59

Valéry, a visionary fashion designer, intertwines his mother's legacy, Paul Valéry's poetry, and a closely-guarded secret to craft his uniquely authentic and captivating designs.

4 min read

The untold secret:

Valéry's atelier was a sanctuary of creativity, where fabrics danced in harmony with his vivid imagination, giving birth to extraordinary designs. The garments he crafted were not mere objects but living, breathing entities that told stories of love, passion, and the echoes of his mother's enduring legacy. Each stitch, each fold, each intricate detail whispered secrets known only to Valéry and the cloth.

But there was a hidden truth woven into the threads of his masterpieces – a secret that even the most discerning eyes could not discern. Concealed within the fabric of his garments, like an invisible signature, were tiny GPS trackers. These minuscule devices were his silent accomplices, allowing him to monitor the journey of each creation as it left his hands and ventured into the world.

The inspiration for this clandestine surveillance came unexpectedly – a chance encounter on a flight to Italy where Valéry observed a peculiar man snatching a life vest from under the seat made him recall the handsome steward's pre-flight presentation, detailing the vest's tiny water-activated light that would illuminate upon contact with the waves. This memory, triggered by the sight of the peculiar man's theft, ignited the idea in Valéry's mind, leading him to embed GPS trackers into his designs.

Valéry's motivation for this secret tracking system was deeply personal. He was not driven by vanity or a desire for control but by a profound need to ensure his garments were cherished and worn by those who truly appreciated their artistry. He saw his designs as recipes handed down from his mother – a passionate fashion designer herself, forced into retirement by a cruel allergy to fabric dust. When his creations were worn only once, he felt the sting of insult, as if his mother's recipes were being dismissed and disrespected.

Thus, the GPS data became a vital ingredient in his creative process. He would examine the movement of each garment, using this information to decide whether a client deserved another piece of his heart and soul. It was a way for Valéry to maintain a connection with his creations, like a parent watching over their child from afar.

His secret was closely guarded, known only to a single confidant – the software developer responsible for crafting the program that collected the GPS data. Even then, the developer remained blissfully unaware of the true purpose of the software, leaving Valéry's secret intact.

About Valéry:

Valéry, an artist destined to revolutionize haute couture, began his journey under the tutelage of his mother. She, a gifted designer herself, had been forced to abandon her passion due to an allergy to the ever-present dust that lingered in the world of fabrics. Under her loving guidance, Valéry absorbed the essence of his mother's craft, but he yearned to find his own artistic voice, a signature style that would set him apart from all others.

In his search for inspiration, Valéry discovered an unlikely muse – the scents of laundromats scattered throughout New York City's diverse neighborhoods. He would venture into these establishments, hungry for the olfactory stimulation that awaited him. Upon opening the dryers, he would inhale deeply, letting the fragrances of still slightly damp fabrics wash over him, igniting his imagination and fueling his creative fire. These sensory expeditions became his ritual, and the laundromats became his shrine, where he would sketch his inspired visions in a notebook at a nearby café.

Valéry loathed the notion of labels and the superficiality they often represented in the world of fashion. He detested the way some fashion houses plastered their names across their designs. He believed that the larger the logo, the weaker the artistic value. To him, a true masterpiece needed no signature; its genius would be recognized purely through its form and essence.

As Valéry's reputation grew and his clientele expanded to include the rich and famous, he became increasingly protective of his creations. He sought to ensure that those who bought his garments genuinely appreciated their beauty and artistry, rather than acquiring them as mere status symbols. Thus, he devised a plan to discreetly embed GPS trackers into his designs. By monitoring the wear and movement of his pieces, he could determine whether his work was being cherished or simply left to gather dust in the recesses of a luxurious closet. For Valéry, it was akin to tracking his artwork like an artist's estate, keeping tabs on collectors to ensure the integrity of his creations.

Valéry found solace in the words of Paul Valéry, the poet whose name he had adopted as his own. As his mother's favorite poet, Paul Valéry's writings resonated deeply with both her and her son. His emphasis on the respect for art and creation echoed Valéry's own beliefs and served as a guiding principle throughout his career. One particular passage from Paul Valéry's work stood out, a line that would become a cornerstone of his artistic philosophy:

"The best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up."

This quote encapsulated Valéry's approach to his craft and the drive to actualize his creative dreams by taking control of their destiny. It was a sentiment that also reflected his decision to embed GPS trackers into his designs – a means of ensuring that the dream he had breathed into each piece remained alive and respected.

As an artist in the world of haute couture, Valéry found himself inextricably bound to the words of the poet whose name he carried. Through his unique approach to design and his clandestine tracking of his creations, he forged a legacy that transcended the superficial allure of labels and logos. In honoring the wisdom of Paul Valéry, he held onto the essence of his artistic integrity while maintaining a watchful eye on the destiny of his dreams. And so, Valéry's own designs became living embodiments of the poet's words, their journeys traced and protected by the hands that brought them to life.

Valéry, 59